Using Frame Control on Studio Reports

Using Frame Control on Studio Reports

Frame control can be placed on any of the report sections. To place frame control on report canvas,

  1. On the Desktop Studio screen, open the report in which the frame control is to be placed.

  2. Click Frame option from Insert.

  3. Click  tool button. The mouse pointer turns to a cross-hair. Point to the top left corner of the area you want to cover in frame and drag it to bottom-right corner.Figure 2:Placement of Frame control

Properties pane displays default properties of the selected frame control, which you can change, if required.

To place field controls on a frame, drag corresponding fields from Fields list to the frame on canvas.

Figure 3: Three fields and one Label placed on frame

Label, field, checkbox, image, line, and shapes can be placed on a frame. Chart, crosstab, page break, sub-report, barcode, and databar cannot be placed on frame. You can set individual properties of controls placed on frame by selecting a control and changing properties from Properties pane.

Using Frame

When you place multiple controls on a frame, you can manage all the controls (like its visibility) at one go.

  1. Create a character type parameter UserType. For more information, refer to Desktop Studio – Report Parameters

  2. In detail section, place a frame control A and place fields Product ID, Product Name and Sales_92 on it.

  3. In detail section, place a frame control B and place fields Product Name, Sales_92 and Sales 93 on it.

  4. Select Detail Section and on its OnFormat event, write script to:

    • Set Visible property of Frame A as False.

    • Set Visible property of Frame B as False.

    • Check the value of parameter UserType: (i) if value is “A” set Visible property of Frame A as True. (ii) if value is “B” set Visible property of Frame B as True.

When report is executed, Input Parameter Form will appear where user will provide parameter value.  If user has entered ‘A’, Frame A will be displayed in the report.  If user has entered ‘B’, Frame B will be displayed in the report.


Using scripting, you can display or hide a frame dynamically at run time.

For example, for a report, you need to:

  • If for parameter UserType, user specifies “A”, display Product ID, Product Name and Sales_92 in detail section.

  • If for parameter UserType, user specifies “B”, display Product type, and it should display Product Name, Sales_92 and Sales 93.

To achieve this, you should set up frames as described in Using Frame section.

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