Delivery via Publish

Delivery via Publish

A report can be published with a pre-set validity period. To set a report for Publish:

Check Publish check box.

Figure 23: Publishing as delivery option

You can publish a report in any of the available Report Formats. Publishing a report in desired format will save time (of selecting report format) when it is viewed. Even if you publish the report in a selected format, you can view it in other formats, if needed. Select an output format from Report Format dropdown.

Note: A report published in RAW TEXT will not be available for view in any of the other formats.

Depending on the selected output type, you can select Delivery Options for the report. For example, to zip the file before publishing, ignoring page breaks, options specific to CSV or MS Excel output, etc.

In Save In, click  to open object selector to navigate and open the folder in which you want to save the report. Object Selector’s features like multiple views, filtering and sorting makes it easier and quicker to find the desired folder. To save the report in users working folder, check User’s Working Folder.

Though not mandatory, it is always good to specify a unique File Name for the published report. To include date and time of report generation, select Suffix Timestamp Format checkbox and select a date format.

You can keep the published report output accessible to yourself (select Private) or make it available for all (select Public).

Validity Options

A published report is available as per its validity period. After the validity period is lapsed, the report is removed from the list.

You have the following validity options for report publishing:

  1. For a specific time period after generation

Example: for 2 months, 3 week, 6 hours, etc.

Select this option and specify the number followed by selecting unit (hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s) and year(s)).

  1. Up to end of a duration from generation

Select this option to keep the report published up to the end of the duration (hour, day, week, month and year).

Example: At the end of this week, at the end of this year, etc.

  1. Up to end of a specific time period

Select this option button to keep report published up to a specific date.

Example: July 30, 2008

Note: Report will not be available after the period / time duration is over.

Important: A published report is stored on Report Server. It is recommended that you specify an expiry date. Deletion of the expired reports will free up the server space.

An expired report cannot be retrieved back. You may backup the reports to keep the output. This will make sure you have the data with you at the same time server space is not remain occupied for a report output.

Getting parameter value in fields (on E-mail, Publish and Upload)

You can set parameter value as part of value in free form entry boxes.

To include a parameter in a field, enclose the parameter name in <% and %> and specify in respective entry box.

For example, Sales<%CountryCode%>Jan2006. Here, CountryCode is a parameter name that will be replaced by its actual value when the report is executed.

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