Below are the properties and associated settings for configuring an email notification channel. An email channel is permanently active.
SMTP Server
This property specifies the server's IP address or domain name (as an IP address or URL) for sending alert notifications.
SMTP Server Authentication Mode
Kyvos Reporting supports TLS authentication to secure email exchanges, which can be either credential-based or certificate-based. Select either DEFAULT or STARTTLS as the value for this property.
Default: DEFAULT
SMTP Authentication
Set this property to Enable if the SMTP server requires user authentication to send emails. Set it to Disable if authentication is not needed.
Default: Disable
SMTP Server User
Use this property to specify the user ID for the SMTP server. Enter a valid user ID if your SMTP server requires authentication before sending emails.
Default: blank
SMTP Server Password
This property sets the password to be used for the SMTP server.
Default: blank
SMTP Server Certificate File Name
Specify the path where the TLS certificate is stored under this property, along with credentials, if the SMTP Server Authentication Mode is set to STARTTLS. This certificate is used to verify identity when sending emails.
Default: blank
Example: SMTP_SERVER_CERT_FILE_NAME=D://tlscert.cer
Secondary SMTP Server
Kyvos Reporting supports a secondary SMTP server that acts as a backup if the primary SMTP server is unavailable or email delivery fails. Use this property to specify the server's IP address or domain name (as an IP address or URL) for sending alert notifications.
Default: blank
Secondary SMTP Server Authentication Mode
Specify the secondary SMTP server authentication mode as either DEFAULT or STARTTLS.
Default: DEFAULT
Secondary SMTP Authentication
Set this property to Enable if the secondary server requires user authentication to send emails. Set it to Disable if it does not.
Default: Disable
Secondary SMTP Server User
Specify the username for the secondary server if Secondary SMTP Authentication is enabled.
Default: blank
Example: SECONDARY_SMTP_SERVER_USER=administrator
Secondary SMTP Server Password
Specify the password for the secondary server if Secondary SMTP Authentication is enabled.
Default: blank
Secondary SMTP Server Certificate File Name
Specify the path where the TLS certificate is stored under this property, along with credentials, if the Secondary SMTP Server Authentication Mode is set to STARTTLS. This certificate is used to verify identity when sending emails.
Default: blank
Example: SMTP_SERVER_CERT_FILE_NAME=D://tlscert.cer
Once you enter the required values,
Click Test to verify if the channel is successfully configured.
Click Save to save the configuration.
Click Discard to reset and start fresh.
Once you save a channel, you can click the horizontal ellipsis button to Remove Channel if needed.
You can configure only one email notification channel. To create a channel with different credentials, you must first remove the existing channel.
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