Semantic Model: kyvos.crosstab.response.chunk.size
This property specifies the number of records passed by the Kyvos BI Server in a single chunk to generate a response for a crosstab report.
Values and behavior:
Any positive integer value.
BI Server will read and send the specified number of records in each response chunk.
Default Value:
250000 - The BI Server will read and send 250,000 records in each response chunk.
Semantic Model: If the property is set on a semantic model, then the value will override the connection level value for that semantic model’s browsing.
Comes into effect:
The value of the property can be changed at any time (not recommended) and comes into effect during the next browsing session of Crosstab.
Dependencies and related properties:
A low value means the BI server will read lesser data. Therefore, the initial response in the Kyvos client will render faster. However, a lower value may also result in smaller and more reads, which may slow down other queries.
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