Semantic Model: kyvos.records.values.assumeasblank

Semantic Model: kyvos.records.values.assumeasblank


This property specifies string values that can be interpreted as blank values. This allows a “non-date” field of 01/01/1900 to be treated as blank, or a “-” or “NA” to be treated as blank.

Values and behavior:

Blank Strings - When “Blank” or “Strings” is found in a DATE or NUMBER type field, they will be changed to blank fields. Each possible value should be separated by a comma.


The property does not support strings containing commas, as they are considered separate strings. For example, the string "Los Angeles, CA" is treated as two strings - Los Angeles and CA, rather than a single string.

Default value:

blank - No values are converted to blank.


  • Dataset: If the property is set for a particular dataset, then the value will be applicable for a particular file, and will override the value applied (if any) at the connection.

  • Semantic Model: If the property is set on a semantic model, then the value will override the connection level value for that semantic model's process job.

Comes into effect:

The property is applicable at process time. The value specified in the property is used while building the semantic model.

Dependencies and related properties:


Once the number or date type field has been converted to a blank, the properties, kyvos.date.blank.default and Semantic Model: kyvos.number.blank.default will also be applied. This provides the ability to change “NA” to a 0, by setting property kyvos.records.values.assumeasblank to NA and Semantic Model: kyvos.number.blank.default to 0.

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