Semantic Model: mapreduce.map.memory.opts

Semantic Model: mapreduce.map.memory.opts

The property specifies the Java options for the map tasks in the jobs launched during the semantic model process.

Values and Behavior:

To set the Xmx memory for specific Kyvos jobs, set the Xmx memory value in the Java format as -Xmx4096M, which represents 4 GB for Xmx memory.

Default Value:


  • Connection: If the property is set at the connection, then the property value is applicable for all dataset process and semantic model process jobs.

  • Semantic model: If the property is set on a semantic model, then the value will override the connection level value for that semantic model's process job.

NOTE: If the property is set on a dataset and a dataset is processed, then the value will override the connection level value for that dataset process job.

Comes into effect:

This property comes into effect in all the semantic model process jobs. The value of the property can be changed at any time and will be respected in the next process.

Dependencies and related properties:


The default value of the property should work fine for most scenarios. If the semantic model process jobs fail due to memory-related failures, then the job memory can be increased using this property.

Recommended range: -Xmx3072 - -Xmx9216m

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