Semantic Model: kyvos.query.unrelateddim.ignore

Semantic Model: kyvos.query.unrelateddim.ignore

This property specifies how to handle unrelated dimensions and measures in a multi-fact schema. The property is applicable for all the measure groups defined in the semantic model.
When you click a fact table, the DRD will highlight all the related dimension datasets. The non-highlighted datasets are unrelated to the clicked dataset.

Values and behavior:
True: The measure will repeat the total (ALL member value) for unrelated dimensions across all levels and attributes.

For example, if the Unit Price measure is not related to the Sales Channel dimension and the kyvos.query.unrelateddim.ignore property is set as True, then the Total of Unit Price is repeated for all Sales Channels as shown in the following figure.

False: The measure will show the unrelated dimension as blank across all levels and attributes.

For example, if the Unit Price measure is not related to the Sales Channel dimension, and the kyvos.query.unrelateddim.ignore property is set as False, then the measure shows value for the ALL member only.

Default value:

Semantic Model 

Comes into effect:
The property comes into effect in a new browsing session after setting the property on the semantic model. This property does not require a semantic model reprocess.

Dependencies and related properties:

Change the property value only for multi-fact schema semantic model. For single-fact schema semantic models (single file, star schema, or snowflake schema) keep the property value to default, i.e., TRUE.
By setting the value to FALSE in a multi-fact schema semantic model, only the relevant cross combinations will be calculated, resulting in better query performance.

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Semantic Model: kyvos.query.unrelateddim.ignore
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Semantic Model: kyvos.query.unrelateddim.ignore
Semantic Model: kyvos.query.unrelateddim.ignore
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Semantic Model: kyvos.query.unrelateddim.ignore
Semantic Model: kyvos.query.unrelateddim.ignore
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