Working with Columns

Working with Columns

On HTML Power Viewer, you can do the following with columns:

  • Hide or show a column

  • Change column position

  • Resize column width

  • Change column alignment

To hide a column

You can hide a column that is appearing on the report.

Figure 1: Hiding a column

To hide a column, you need to:

  1. Right-click the mouse on the column title that you want to hide. A context-menu appears.

  2. Click its Hide option. Thereafter, click Apply on the Actionboard.

The report will be refreshed which will not have the column that was hidden.

To show a column

If there are one or more fields that are not selected to be part of the report, you can show them on the report as a report column.

Figure 2: Getting a column on report

To do so, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Point the mouse anywhere on the report (except column header) and right-click. A context-menu appears. The number of options appearing on the context-menu will depend on where on the Viewer the mouse was placed while right-clicking.

  2. Point the mouse on Show. A sub-menu opens up having a list of fields that are not present on report.

  3. Click the field that you want to place on report and click Apply on the Actionboard.

The report will be refreshed and selected field will appear as the right-most column.

Note: If you have clicked on a column header to get the context-menu and selected a field for adding in the report, the field will appear on the left of the column on which the mouse was clicked.

To change column position on report

HTML PowerViewer gives facility to reposition a column already placed on the report.

Figure 3: Changing position of a column

To do so, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Click the mouse (on the title of the column that needs to be repositioned.) Markers appear on left and right edge of the column.

  2. Drag the column header towards right or left side. A black line appears where the column will be placed.

  3. After reaching at right place, leave the mouse key. Thereafter, click Apply on the Actionboard.

The report will be refreshed with the field placed at the new location.

To resize a column

HTML Power Viewer gives facility to resize a column already placed on the report. You can do the following to achieve this:

Figure 4: Resizing a column

You can do the following to achieve this:

  1. Click anywhere on the header of the column which you want to resize. Markers appear on left and right edge of the column.

  2. Click the marker and drag the mouse pointer towards left or right side. The mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow.

  3. After required resizing, leave the mouse key. Click Apply on the Actionboard.

Report will be refreshed and refreshed report will have new size of the column.

Note: If column-size of a column was changed, the context-menu on that column title will have an option Reset Width.  Click this option to reset the width of that column to original size.

To change alignment

Alignment of value in a column is set in the query (data source) that is used in the ad hoc report.  However, it is possible to change its alignment.

Figure 5: Reset option appearing in the menu

To change alignment of a column, you need to:

  1. Point and right-click the mouse on the column-header. A context-menu appears.

  2. The context menu has options except the default alignment. Click the option (Left, Center or Right)and click Apply on the Actionboard. Report is refreshed with that column having aligned.

If you right-click the column that is aligned, Reset option will also appears on the menu.  Clicking Reset option will apply the default alignment (the alignment specified in data source) on the column.

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