Creating Charts in Power Viewer

Creating Charts in Power Viewer

To address your charting needs, ad hoc report supports most of the popular chart types like bar, line, pie and radar etc.

Chart Operations (On report canvas)

HTML Power Viewer provides the following features on right clicking the report canvas area.

Adding a chart

On Power Viewer, you can add chart even if you have not designed a chart on the Ad hoc Report Wizard.

Figure 28: Add Chart option

To get a chart on Power Viewer, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the report except the column header. A context-menu appears.

  2. Click the Add Chart option. Click Apply on the Actionboard.

Report will be refreshed with chart on it.

Note: Intellicus takes the first character field and selects as X Axis, takes first numeric fields and selects as Y axis and plots the chart.

If the chart was originally plotted but then hidden, in that case, Show Chart will just re-plot original chart.

Hiding a Chart

Figure 29: Hide a chart from Power Viewer

To hide a chart when you are on Power Viewer, you need to:

  1. Right-click on the chart you wish to hide. A context-menu appears.

  2. Click the Show Chart option on the chart menu and uncheck the chart you wish to hide. Click Apply on the Actionboard to hide the chart. Checking the Show Chart option would show the chart again.

Chart Operations (On chart toolbar)

The tool buttons to initiate chart operations are on Chart toolbar. When the report is displayed, chart toolbar will open for 2 seconds. To open the chart toolbar again, hover the mouse pointer on chart title.

Figure 30: Chart toolbar in AmChart

To “Link” chart with report fields or matrix

If you have selected Link With Report Fields on Chart tab of Ad hoc Report Wizard, chart will be auto-plotted based on fields selected in Select Display Fields.

When chart is linked then you cannot add any field in chart’s X-Field or Series (Change data icon is disabled in this case). Before linking, if any fields are part of chart then they need to be removed.

To unlink the chart from report fields, open AmChart’s toolbar and click  button.

The chart will remain, but now, you can change it by making your own selections from Chart tab.

To link the chart again, click  button from the chart toolbar.

Similarly, you can select Link Matrix  on the Chart tab of Ad hoc Report wizard to auto-plot chart based on fields selected from Available Fields.

To change chart type

When the report is run, the chart is plotted in the chart type selected on Ad hoc Report Wizard, which can be changed on viewer.

After opening the Chart toolbar, click Change Chart Type  button to open chart types toolbar.

Figure 31: Chart Types toolbar

On Chart Types toolbar, click the button representing the type of chart you want to open, or click inverted triangle button to open chart sub-types available for in the selected chart type and click one of the sub-types from it.

Chart will be re-drawn using the selected chart sub-type.

To change fields

When the report is run, the chart is plotted based on Group axis and Value axis fields selected on Ad hoc Report Designer..

To change the fields plotted on Group axis and Value axis, without returning to Ad hoc Report Wizard,

Click Change Data   button on Chart toolbar. The Change Data dialog will open, from where you can change chart fields for Y and X axes.

Figure 32: Change Data dialog

Click  to add a field on the axis.  Click  to remove a field from the axis. To replace a field, choose the desired field from the dropdown of the field you want to replace.

Note: This button will be disabled when the chart is linked with report fields.

After making the desired changes, click Apply button to get the effect of changes on chart.

Note: The data changes that have been applied here will be reflected on Adhoc Report Wizard‘s chart tab also.

To specify Settings

You can provide options to show or hide Legends, Point Labels and Chart Description eliminating the need to go back to the Ad hoc Report Designer. You can also define the position of Legend on the chart.

Figure 33: Specify Settings

Saving the layout

After the changes that you have made in report output, you can save the layout.

Figure 34: Saving the layout

To save the report layout, you need to:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the report. A context-menu appears.

  2. Click the option Save Layout As. A Save Report Layout As dialog box opens up.

Figure 35: Save Report Layout As Dialog box

To save the report, you need to do the following:

  1. Select the Category in which the report is to be stored.

  2. Specify Report Name. Select Public to make it available to all the users.  Select Private to make it available to only yourself.  Specify its Description.

  3. Click Save As button to save the report. Dialog box given below appears.

Figure 36: Click OK to refresh the report

Click OK if you want to save, continue making changes and save the changes made.  Click Cancel, if you want to save the output, but continue working on the report output without having need to save modified output under the same name.

You can also download the chart in the form of PNG/JPG/SVG image format on right-clicking the chart.

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