Grouping in Power Viewer

Grouping in Power Viewer

HTML Power Viewer provides multi-level grouping.  Once a group is created, groups created later will be placed below the created groups.

You can group the report using any of the two methods: Group based on a field that is placed on the report or by a field that is not placed on the report.

Grouping by a field that is placed on the report

To group the report by a field that is already placed on the report, you can use the Group option on the column header menu.

Figure 9: Grouping a report

To group by a field that is currently showing on the report, you need to:

  1. Point and right-click the mouse on the header of the column by which you want to group the report. A context-menu appears.

  2. Click the option Group. Click Apply on the Actionboard.

The page will be refreshed. On refreshed page, the column by which the report was grouped will not appear and report will be grouped.

If the field is of Character or Number type, for each value a new group will be formed.

Note: If you click on any of the column value (and not header), Group option will open in a sub menu having all the fields available.  Click the field to group report by that field.

Grouping by a Date field

To group by a date field, you need to do the following:

  1. When you right-click on column title of a date field, you get a sub menu having options: Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year.

  2. Click an option to group the report grouped appropriately.

  3. Click Apply on the Actionboard.

Figure 10: Grouping by Date Field

  • Minute: Groups all the records for each minute.

  • Hour: Groups all the records for each hour.

  • Day: Groups all the records for each day.

  • Week: Groups all the records with date falling within a week (a week is considered from Sunday to Saturday).

  • Month: Groups all the records by months.

  • Quarter: Groups all the records by quarter (a quarter is Jan to March, April to June, July to September and October to December.)

  • Year: Groups all the records by year.

Grouping by a field that is not placed on the report

Use the following method to group the report by a field that is not already placed on the report.  However, you can also use this method to group the report by a field that is present on the report.

Figure 11: Grouping by a field that is not placed on the report

To do so, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Point the mouse on blank part of the report (except column header) and right-click. A context-menu appears.

  2. On the menu, point to option Group. A sub-menu will open up having all the fields as sub menu options.

  3. Select the field by which you want to group the report. Click Apply on the Actionboard.

The report will get refreshed and a new group will appear on the report below the group setup earlier.

Shifting a group field to detail section

To shift a group field as one of the columns of the report, you need to:

  1. Click the group field and drag it on the column header. A place-holder marker appears indicating where the field will be dropped.

  2. Dropping the field at that place will process the change and refresh the report. Click Apply on the Actionboard.

Figure 12: Shifting a group field to column header

Figure 13: Report refreshed after shifting the field

Note: Depending on the configuration, it may not process the change immediately, but add the action on action board. If the group already exists as one of the column fields, it will not be dropped.

Change group order (re-arrangement of groups)

When a report is having multiple groups, you may wish to change the grouping order.

Figure 14: Changing group order (Re-arrangement of groups)

To change grouping order, you need to:

  1. Click on a group field and drag it up in the order or down in the order. A place-holder marker will appear indicating where the group field will be dropped.

  2. Dropping the field at that place will process the change and refresh the report. Apply on the Actionboard.

Note: Depending on the configuration, it may not process the change immediately, but add the action on action board.  A field can’t be dropped below or just above the field representing innermost group.

To change grouping (date fields)

When you right-click a group formed by a date type group, you get two options in the menu that lead to any of the following actions:

  • Change grouping to any of the other type

  • Remove grouping

Figure 15: Grouped by a Date field

Point to Change Grouping followed by clicking any of the options available, group will be changed after clicking Apply on the Actionboard.

To remove grouping

Here are the steps to remove grouping:

  1. Point and right-click the title of the group that you want to remove. One- option menu appears having Remove Grouping as its option.

  2. Click Remove Grouping Click Apply on the Actionboard.

The report will be refreshed and grouping will be removed.

Figure 16: Removing the grouping

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