Using Styles

Using Styles

You need to create a style/format before it can be used. All the activities regarding setting up different formats are carried out from Styles screen.

  1. On the Desktop Studio screen, click button on the toolbar.

  2. On the Desktop Studio screen, from Format menu, click Styles. The Styles screen appears.

Figure 4: Styles screen

You can perform the following actions:




To add a style/format on the report


To modify the selected style/format


To delete the selected style/format


Saves all the changes made to the style/format


Close screen without making changes to the report

Up and Down arrow buttons

Select a style row and click Up button or Down button to move the selected style/format up or down.

To create/add a new style/format

On the Styles screen,

  1. Click Add button. The New Style screen appears.

Figure 5: New Style screen

  1. In Name, specify a unique name for the style/format being created.

  2. Select styles settings such as font, font style, size, back color, fore color, under line, strikethrough on Styles

  3. Select Borders settings such as line style, color, shadow on Borders

  4. Click OK to save the created style/format. The newly created style/format appears in the list on the Styles

To modify a style/format
  1. On Styles screen, select the style/format that you want to modify.

  2. Click Modify The Modify Style screen appears.

  3. Edit/modify the required details.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.

To delete a style/format
  1. On Styles screen, click the format that you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete The message, “You are trying to delete the selected item. Are you sure?” appears.

  3. Click OK to delete the style/format.

Global Styles

Styles set up here can be imported in any of the reports. Once it is imported, it will be available in respective open report through Styles drop-down list. To navigate to Global Styles screen:

  1. From Tools menu, click Options. The Options screen appears.

  2. Under Global Styles area, under Custom Design subtab, select Manage Styles check box.

  3. Click OK.

To create a global style

  1. On Global Styles screen, under Custom Design subtab, click Manage Styles The Styles screen appears.

  2. Click Add The New Style screen appears.

  3. Specify style settings such as font, font style, size, back color, fore color, under line, and strikethrough.

  4. Click OK to save the global style.

To modify a global style
  1. On Global Styles screen, select the style that needs to be modified.

  2. Click Modify The Modify Style screen appears.

  3. Edit/modify the required details.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.

Important: To get effect of modified styles if they are used (imported) in any of the reports, click Auto update where used check box before clicking Manage Styles button.

To delete a global style
  1. On Global Styles screen, select the style that needs to be deleted.

  2. Click Delete The message, “You are trying to delete the selected item. Are you sure?” appears.

  3. Click Yes to confirm and delete the global style.

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