Adding Schedules

Adding Schedules

Add a schedule

  • You reach to Add schedule page when you click Add Schedule button from Schedule List

Figure 23: Creating a new schedule.  Name entry box can’t be left blank.

To create a whole new schedule, specify the below information:

  1. In Name, specify a unique name for this entry. This name will be used to refer to this schedule.  This can’t be left blank.

  2. In Start Date select the date from which schedule should be implemented. By default, today’s date will appear there.

  3. In End Date, select the date from which the schedule would not be available. If this is kept blank, this schedule will never expire and will continue to be available for implementation.

  4. In Select Frequency, select the frequency. Details are given after these steps.  This sets day(s) on which this schedule will be implemented.

  5. Specify information under Select Time. Details are given after these steps.  This will have the time when the schedule should be implemented.

  6. Click the Save button to save the schedule details.

To abandon the process, truncate the changes and return to Schedules page, click the Cancel button.

Select Frequency of implementing the Schedule

Frequency Details (daily, weekly, monthly)

The frequency is set in following ways:

  • Daily (by days)

  • Weekly (by weeks)

  • Monthly (by months and dates / days within month)

To set frequency as Daily (by days)

  1. While setting up schedule, under Select Frequency, select Daily. The page changes accordingly.

  2. Under Every, specify the number of days after which the schedule should repeat itself.

Figure 24: Setting up schedule to be repeated based on days

For example, if you want schedule to be repeated once in three days, (1st, 4th, 7th and so on), select 3 as number of days.  To repeat the schedule every alternate day, select 2 as number of days.  Once a week, select 7 as number of days.

To set frequency as Weekly

  1. While setting up schedule, under Select Frequency, select Weekly. The page changes accordingly.

  2. Under Every, select after how many weeks, the schedule should be repeated.

  3. Select the check boxes of day when you want the schedule to repeat.

Figure 25: Setting up schedule to be repeated by weekdays

For example, if you want schedule to be repeated every 3 weeks, and implemented on Tuesday and Friday, select 3 in Every and select check boxes of Monday and Wednesday.

To set frequency as Monthly (by dates)

In this case, a schedule is set to repeat on selected months and on specific dates.

Figure 26: Setting up schedule to be repeated on monthly basis (dates)

  1. While setting up schedule, under Select Frequency, select Monthly. The page changes accordingly.

  2. Select the months in which the schedule will be implemented.

  3. Select the option On Selected Date(s).

  4. Select the dates on which you want the schedule to repeat.

For example, if you want schedule to be repeated in April, July, Oct and December on dates 1, 3, 4, 6, 25, select months Apr, Jul, Oct and Dec.  Select dates 1, 3, 4, 6 and 25.

To set frequency as Monthly (by days)

Here a schedule is set to repeat on selected months and on a specific day

Figure 27: Setting up schedule to be repeated on monthly basis (days)

  1. While setting up schedule, under Select Frequency, select Monthly. The page changes accordingly.

  2. Select the option On.

  3. Select the required option among 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th, followed by selection of day.

  4. Select one or more month.

For example, if you want schedule to be repeated every 3rd Friday of January, February and October, select the months Jan, Feb and Oct.  Select 3rd and Friday as day.

Select Time of implementing the Schedule

This is the time when on given day, the schedule should be implemented.  It can be made to:

Occur only once at a specific time on given day

Occur more than once (at given interval) on given day

Select the Time Zone as per which the schedule execution time will be entered on this page.  For example, if you select GMT, schedule will be executed at specified time as per GMT.  If Time zone is not selected, schedule will be executed as per report server’s time zone.

Occur Once at

Select this if you want the schedule to occur only once at a specified time.

For example, once only at 20:00:00 hours.

Figure 28: Specifying time for implementing the schedule

Click the option button on the left of Occurs Once at and specify the time in hh:mm:ss format in the entry box.

Occurs Every

Select this if you want the schedule to repeat at an interval of set number of hours.

Click the option button on the left of Occurs Every and select a number indicating the number of hours after which the schedule should repeat.  Set time for Starting at and Ending at is the time between which this schedule will occur.

For example, Starting at 04:00:00 hour, every 2 hours up to 6:45:00 hours.

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