Creating Crosstab Reports in Studio Reports

Creating Crosstab Reports in Studio Reports

To create a crosstab report, you must select at least three columns from the data source to define:

  • Column heading

  • Row Heading

  • Data field (summary field) — intersection of column and row on common criteria

On the Intellicus Studio home screen, click Insert > crosstab. The cursor changes to a cross (+) symbol. Click and drag the mouse to mark an area for the crosstab report in any section of the layout editor. When you release the click, you are prompted to create a bound or an unbound report.

Figure 1: Creating crosstab Report

  • Click Yes to create a Bound crosstab report.

  • Click No to create an Unbound crosstab report.

Note: In case of bound crosstabs, crosstab is created depending on the section where the crosstab component is placed because the data made available for crosstab depends on data source used for report.
In case of unbound crosstabs, irrespective of the section where the crosstab is placed, the entire records received are considered for creating the crosstab. This is because the data made available for the chart comes from its own data source.

To do settings for bound or unbound reports,

Figure 2: crosstab Report Properties

Right-click on the report and click Properties. The CrossTab Properties screen is displayed with four submenus:

Figure 3: crosstab Properties Sub-Menus

  • Data Source

  • Format

  • Settings

  • Runtime

The process of creation of CrossTab is same for both Bound and Unbound except for in few steps.

When you create a Bound crosstab report, the parent report’s SQL statement and parent report’s connection is used. In this case, the data source tab is grayed out and the Connection Name and SQL Query fields are disabled.

Figure 3: Data Source tab for Bound Report

When you create an Unbound crosstab report, you can define a database connection for crosstab report as well as write a customized SQL statement for data retrieval and select an existing query object. In this case, the data source tab is enabled as shown in the next section.

Figure 4: Data Source tab for Unbound Report

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