Formatting Studio Reports Crosstabs

Formatting Studio Reports Crosstabs

Using the Format tab, you can format the crosstab report using different foreground and background colors for a distinctive display of column values. This allows you to select or unselect the columns used in the crosstab report display. To change the format for any column, select the column from the selection window and do the settings.

The options provided in this dialog will be available for formatting depending on the column name selected from the selection window.

For example, if you select a summary field column from the selection window, a new field called Summary Function will be displayed on the dialog, which remains hidden when other types of fields are selected. Also, when Grand Total column is selected, the section selection field is not available for selection.

Note: Options available on Format tab depends on type of cell (row header, column header, summary field, row total or column total) selected for formatting. For example, some of the formatting options will not available when you select Row total or column total.

Format the following fields:

  • Title: Enter the title to be displayed for column headers for summary values.

    • Font: Select the font properties such as font type, font style, and font size for the text that appears in selected crosstab item.

    • Align: Select the alignment based on the summary value. For example, left, right, or center.

      • Back color: Click to select the background color from the displayed palette. The selected back color takes effect on the selected item on crosstab.

      • Fore color: Click to select the foreground color from the displayed palette. The selected fore color takes effect on the selected item on crosstab.

      • Width: Enter the width of column (in pixels).

      • Height: Enter the height of row (in pixels)

    • Hyperlink: Click to hyperlink to another report or a URL with the selected crosstab item. For more information, refer to Desktop Studio – Hyperlinking Reports document.

    • Conditional Formatting: Click to set up conditional formatting for the selected crosstab item. For more information, refer to Desktop Studio – Conditional Features document.

    • Visible: De-select the check box if you want to use the field on crosstab but do not want to place it on crosstab as selected item. For example, you need a row summary but you do not want summary cell and you want a summary cell, but do not want row summary. Else, select the check box to make the field visible.

    • Repeat on each page: Select the check box if the crosstab extends to multiple pages and the headers are to be repeated.

    • Display Field: Select the field that should be displayed for selected item on crosstab from the drop-down list. For example, field being used is ‘product number’, but field being displayed is ‘product name’.

    • Replace Zero With: Select the check box and specify the value that should be displayed when value for the field is Zero, that is, to replace zero values with another value (for example “Null”, “No Value” or “Zero”).

    • Format (Date): For date type data, set the format in which data should be presented.

    • Format (num): For number type data, specify the format in which data should appear.

    • Date Group By: For date type data, select the group option. There will one column for each group. Group can be formed by date, week, month and year.

    • Num Group By: For number type data, specify the group option. There will be one column for each group.

Note: If there is no data for a range that row / column will not appear on crosstab.

  • First (N): Enter the value to include only few top values in the crosstab. For example, in a crosstab having sales summary field, specify 20 to include records having top 20 sales summaries.

  • XL – On Span: If your crosstab data row gets repeated, select the right option among:

    • First Cell: To get data value only in the first header.

    • Repeat: To get data value in all headers including total’s cell.

    • Merge: To get data value only in one header and merge all other cells into one.

Figure 9: Effect of XL – On Span (First Cell, Repeat and Merge)

When you select a summary field column from the selection window following option are available under Format tab.

Data Format: For selected summary cell, select the format in which the data should be represented.

Summary function: The function to be applied to calculate the summary.

Summary Level (Applicable to row summary and column summary): Set data record to calculate summary based on the actual data records. Select respective header to calculate summary based on rows / columns of that header appearing on crosstab.

Caption: Name to be given to header of selected column, row or summary.

Position (Applicable to row summary and column summary): Set Before to have summary as first row (row summary) or first column (column summary). Set After to have summary as last row (row summary) or last column (column summary).

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