General Settings for Studio Reports Crosstabs

General Settings for Studio Reports Crosstabs

You can use the Settings tab for distinctive display of the crosstab report. You can format the background and the border for the selected crosstab report. This would help in easy differentiation between different values on the crosstab.

Figure 10: crosstab General Settings

Provide the following information:

  • Title: Enter a title to appear on top-left corner of the crosstab.

  • Style: Select a border style from the drop-down list. For example, Opaque or Transparent.

  • Theme: You can select the theme to apply to the crosstab report display. This contains predefined format settings for the crosstab reports. For example, official, original, nature, classic, and delicate.

    • Color: Click to select the color from the color picker.

  • BackColor: Select the check box for specifying background formatting related properties.

  • ForeColor: Select the check box for for specifying background formatting related properties.

  • Level: Select the level for color. Applicable when crosstab has multiple row levels, for example, Country and within country, cities. Select the level where alternate color should be applied.

  • Border: Select the checkbox to apply border to crosstab. Set other properties.

    • Style: Select a border style from the drop-down.

    • Width: Specify border width.

    • Color: Select border color.

  • Include in CSV: Value set in this dropdown box will decide if this crosstab should be rendered when report output format is CSV.

  • Show Cell Caption: Check (select) this checkbox to have field captions on row header and column header. Keeping this clear will have first row as actual column values and leftmost column as actual row values.

  • Never: Exclude crosstab component

  • Once: Select this to render the first instance of crosstab component, ignore all other instances. For example, when placed on group header or footer, it will render crosstab only for the first group.

  • Repetitive: Render crosstab for all of its occurrences.

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